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  • jltznzb.cn-国偷自产一区二区三区在线视频,亚无码乱人伦一区二区,亚洲精品第一国产综合亚AV,亚洲男人天堂免费大片av手机看片

    • 硫脲產(chǎn)品
    • 硫化鈉產(chǎn)品
    • 硫氫化鈉
    • 六偏磷酸鈉
    • 雙氰胺
    • 亞硝酸鈉
    • 磷酸

    Company profile


    Founded in September 2015, Shandong Huntec Chemical Co., Ltd. is located in Heze Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province. Relying on Huntec solid foundation and good reputation, it develops new high-tech products and expands its market. The company has advanced production and testing equipment, a sound quality service system, and the product quality is in the leading position in the domestic industry.

    Product list


    Contact us

    Contact: Manager Sun

    Tel: 15564008488

    Contact number: +86 530-5355288

    Company Fax: +86 530-5355288

    Company email: shandonghuntec@163.com


    Address: Heze Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province, China

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