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    What is the method of hydrolyzing sodium sulfide solution?

    作者:SHANDONG HENGTAI CHEMICAL CO.,LTD 發布時間:2018-4-26 本文被閱讀 1424 次

    硫化鈉高鐵 .jpg

    Sodium sulphide is a commonly used thing in the industry. It is easy to volatilize and is not easy to store. What are the characteristics of sodium sulphide? Sodium sulphide producers today share the following contents for sodium sulphide manufacturers: sodium sulphide

    Sodium sulphide is a commonly used thing in the industry. It is easy to volatilize and is not easy to store. What are the characteristics of sodium sulphide? Sodium sulphide manufacturers today share the following contents for everyone:

    Sodium sulphide is a common inorganic salt product in the industry, and sodium sulphide solution is also widely used. However, as we all know, sodium sulphide solution is a chemical substance that is difficult to store, even if it is used in large quantities in industry. Solid sodium sulfide products are reclaimed for use in their own factory warehouses. The storage time should not be too long, and even if sealed, the sodium sulfide solution will produce a black solid suspension once it is left for a long time.

    Sodium sulphide, due to its clogging effect and sulfide precipitation of heavy metal contaminants, and low price, sodium sulphide producers, so the current industry is more using sodium sulphide to treat complex heavy metal wastewater.

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    Company email: shandonghuntec@163.com


    Address: Heze Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province, China

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