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    News Center

    What is the difference between solid liquid sodium sulfide?

    作者:SHANDONG HENGTAI CHEMICAL CO.,LTD 發布時間:2019-3-8 本文被閱讀 1400 次


    In fact, solid liquid sodium sulfide has its own advantages, each has its own advantages, solids are more convenient in transportation and storage, and liquids will be slightly better in the reaction of dosing. However, in the current factory, when sodium sulfide is used, the solid is usually made into a liquid. It is convenient to use the liquid directly, and the reaction will be faster, but the transportation cost is high and the storage time is not long. If the site conditions permit it is recommended to use solid.

        The dosage of sodium sulfide should be determined according to the amount of heavy metals. It is best to do a small test; too much will cause the increase of cod and waste of the drug. If it enters the biochemistry, it will also have a toxic effect on microorganisms. If too little, the heavy metal will not. Meet the standard. Excessive amounts can add pac or iron salts to the back end, and today's factories generally add a little more to remove heavy metals.

    下一條:Which indust...上一條:Sodium sulfi...

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    Company email: shandonghuntec@163.com


    Address: Heze Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province, China

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